-Allocate more dedicated and sustainable funding sources: non-public, local/grassroots, private sector
-Develop and maintain a statewide shared database of volunteers, which includes skills, background checks, trainings, etc.
-Create framework of collaboration among NGOs and localities
-Create incentives for people to volunteer: certifications to put on resume, tax incentives
-More requirements for volunteer service (controversial)
-More public-private partnerships
-Look beyond immediate term; commit to the future
-Think in terms of health of citizenry, not just public lands
-Make consistent policy at different levels
-Create a set of “best practices” for managing a good volunteer program
-Get public health and education sectors on board; engage with bureaucracy
-Make sure there are enough quality projects and volunteer managers for the existing number of volunteers
-Keep volunteering fun
-Evaluate volunteerism within agencies. Set metrics and create a long-term culture
-Minimize duplicate reporting
-Create more trainings and guidance for volunteer management staff. Must start at upper management level and empower staff
-Current Policies in Place: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan – Goals for volunteers and volunteer funding, Arapahoe County – Goal to increase employee and volunteer engagement, BLM – Policy to encourage volunteer engagement
-Some staff and funding (GOCO)
-Existing organizations (VOC, WRV)
-Ready, willing and able volunteers (individual and corporate groups)
-Individual Activists (turn our volunteers into advocates?)
-Dedicated funding for volunteers
-Mechanism for greater coordination between agencies and organizations for sharing volunteers
-Review of existing public policy as it relates to volunteerism in CO
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