Below are some next steps which participants brainstormed and brought up repeatedly at the forum. Feel free to add more actions to the list and add your thoughts about the ones listed here:
-Check “egos and logos” at the door to build a strong coalition of stewardship organizations and agencies with common goals and a leadership structure in place.
- Create a unified message about stewardship that can be easily understood by the public and funders. Engage with the public relations and marketing sectors to create a brand that sticks and resonates socially and economically.
-Engage with other sectors (health, education, agriculture, entertainment, etc.) to expand the coalition and build momentum around the message.
-Develop and use a statewide database which tracks volunteers, volunteer opportunities, agency needs, and measurements of accomplishments. This tool can be used to recruit volunteers and compile concrete numbers to present to funders. ( is such a tool that already exists)
-Collaboratively conduct a state-wide gap analysis in order to demonstrate collaboration, a unified message, and concrete metrics and goals to funders.
-Identify the expertise of our different agencies and organizations. Focus on the skill-based and geographic niches so we do not dilute our message or spread thin our volunteers and resources.
-Develop ways to train more volunteers in order to build the leadership capacity of volunteer stewards and leverage paid staff time. Engage the young population and recruit them to lead while encouraging older leaders to pass on their knowledge.
-Expand ways to engage more diverse groups of volunteers (volunteers across the spectrums of time available, skill level, geographic location, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc.)
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